Dr Sayam's Skin Square Clinic


Specializes in:Skin Specialist in Nagpur
Experience:11 Years

About : Dr.Sayam Qureshi He has been a successful Dermatologist for the last 11 years. Dr. Sayam Qureshi has vast experience in the field of dermatology, cosmetology, and laser treatment. He passed M.D. from Vikram university Ujjain and D. Dermatology from the Maharashtra university of health science. He has been actively attending a workshop on laser treatment like acne scar treatment and anti-aging treatment at the national and international levels. He attended several national and international conferences in dermatology and cosmetology. He has been trained on threads (facelift) treatment by Cara threads, where the origin of threads started. he is inspired and trained by the pioneer of laser treatment in India. He pays special attention to restoring facial harmony by using techniques like fillers, thread, Botox, laser, etc. with customized medication with a wide knowledge and expertise that he holds and an intense desire to treat his patients in the best way keeping him up to the mark. He delivers the best and most advanced treatment available for his patient in the medical armament at his clinic in Nagpur


About : Dr.Sayam Qureshi He has been a successful Dermatologist for the last 11 years. Dr. Sayam Qureshi has vast experience in the field of dermatology, cosmetology, and laser treatment. He passed M.D. from Vikram university Ujjain and D. Dermatology from the Maharashtra university of health science. He has been actively attending a workshop on laser treatment like acne scar treatment and anti-aging treatment at the national and international levels. He attended several national and international conferences in dermatology and cosmetology. He has been trained on threads (facelift) treatment by Cara threads, where the origin of threads started. he is inspired and trained by the pioneer of laser treatment in India. He pays special attention to restoring facial harmony by using techniques like fillers, thread, Botox, laser, etc. with customized medication with a wide knowledge and expertise that he holds and an intense desire to treat his patients in the best way keeping him up to the mark. He delivers the best and most advanced treatment available for his patient in the medical armament at his clinic in Nagpur 


Specializes in              :                    Skin Specialist in Nagpur 

Experience                     :                 11 Years

Education                       :

Specializes in:Skin Specialist in Nagpur
Experience:11 Years

Specializes in :                    Skin Specialist in Nagpur 

About : Dr.Sayam Qureshi He has been a successful Dermatologist for the last 11 years. Dr. Sayam Qureshi has vast experience in the field of dermatology, cosmetology, and laser treatment. He passed M.D. from Vikram university Ujjain and D. Dermatology from the Maharashtra university of health science. He has been actively attending a workshop on laser treatment like acne scar treatment and anti-aging treatment at the national and international levels. He attended several national and international conferences in dermatology and cosmetology. He has been trained on threads (facelift) treatment by Cara threads, where the origin of threads started. he is inspired and trained by the pioneer of laser treatment in India. He pays special attention to restoring facial harmony by using techniques like fillers, thread, Botox, laser, etc. with customized medication with a wide knowledge and expertise that he holds and an intense desire to treat his patients in the best way keeping him up to the mark. He delivers the best and most advanced treatment available for his patient in the medical armament at his clinic in Nagpur 

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